Nov 19, 2015So many great projects!We have had a great start since opening in October! We have had so many wonderful students and great projects. If you have been thinking of joining us for a class, see what you are missing! 12240471_173391853007588_5158114141339300167_o12194561_173643062982467_3254577832946379820_oIMG_2451_editedIMG_2431_editedIMG_2421IMG_2380IMG_2376
We have had a great start since opening in October! We have had so many wonderful students and great projects. If you have been thinking of joining us for a class, see what you are missing! 12240471_173391853007588_5158114141339300167_o12194561_173643062982467_3254577832946379820_oIMG_2451_editedIMG_2431_editedIMG_2421IMG_2380IMG_2376